Large mining projects
- Red Chris Mine JV in Northern BC as Tailings Impoundment Area Operation Manager and Responsible Tailings Facility Engineer per GISTM, and Qualified Person per NI43-101 Technical Report preparation and filing at SEDAR.
- Sinchi Wayra Zinc and Tin Mine and Porco Silver-Zinc Mine for Bolivar Mine Quaqueani Tailings Dam and Old Dam for Glencore’s Bolivian Operation as Sr. Technical Advisor for risk assessment and management workshops at mine sites.
- Côté Gold EPCM, Feasibility, Pre-Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Economical Assessment Projects for IAMGOLD Corp., Ontario as Technical Reviewer / Director & Qualified Person.
- Toromocho Copper Mine for Minera Chinalco Perú S.A., Junín Region, Perú as Senior Reviewer and Technical Advisor for annual Dam Safety Inspections.
- Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine, Dam Safety Review for Barrick and Goldcorp., Dominican Republic as Senior Reviewer and Technical Advisor for tailings dam safety review of the on-going tailings disposal and water management.
- Ambatovy Nickel Project – Consultant for SNC-Lavalin Inc., Tailings Management Facility (TMF) Expansion, Tamatave, Madagascar as Senior Advisor, providing overall direction for a TMF expansion FEL2 engineering with TMF built on tropical saprolite foundation.
- Pascua Lama Project for Barrick Gold Corp. Water Management, Pascua Lama, Chile and Argentina as owner, providing corporate oversight responsibility for ongoing construction and management of water diversion, treatment, monitoring, and modelling of water movement for regulatory compliance and permitting.
- Lumwana Copper Expansion Project – Barrick Gold Tailings and Water Management, Copper Belt, Zambia as As owner, providing corporate oversight on tailings disposal operation, facility expansion feasibility design, water management and regulatory approvals with interactions by various disciplines.
- El Galeno Project – Lumina Copper SAC / China, MinMetals, Tailings Facility Review, Cajamarca, Peru as a core member of the Independent Technical Review Board for geotechnical design by Vector and then by MWH on Tailings, Waste Rock and Water Management Facilities with site reconnaissance and review recommendations.
- Oyu Tolgoi Project – Ivanhoe Mines / Rio Tinto Detailed Design and Construction of Tailings Storage Facility, South Gobi, Mongolia as Project Manager / QA/QC Resident Engineer / Supervisor, responsible for carrying out the TSF detailed design and construction as part of the EPCM for the 80,000 (later to 160,000) tpd copper-gold project in Gobi Desert.
- Highland Valley Copper Project – Tailings Management Facility, Tech Resources, British Columbia as Technical Advisor for the 150 m high tailings dam design and construction with annual raising planning, technical specifications and QA/QC on utilizing low permeability till core and cycloned tailings sand dam shell.
- Tampakan Tailings Storage Facility and Waste Rock Dump Prefeasibility Study, Xstrata Copper, Mindanao, Philippines as Project Manager, Reviewer, and Lead Designer for extended pre-feasibility design work for Tailings Storage Facility (1.6 Bt) and waste rock dump options (1 Bt) and geochemical waste modelling for the high seismicity, high precipitation, mountainous Tampakan Copper project in Southern Philippines.
- Kabanga Nickel Project, Xstrata Nickel, Rulenge, Ngara District, Tanzania as Area Manager / Principal Designer, responsible for scoping study level design of a self-sustained water covered tailings disposal facility and development of a site-wide geotechnical, hydrogeological investigation program for the project.
- Gatsuurt Gold Project, Centerra Gold, Gatsuurt, Mongolia as Area Manager / Principal Designer, responsible for feasibility study level design of a self-sustained water covered tailings management facility, site water management facilities.
- Las Brisas Tailings Dam and Management Facility, Gold Reserves, Las Brisas, Venezuela as Area Manager / Principal Designer, responsible for the final detailed design of tailings management facility, water management and plant site foundations for a gold / copper mine development, as part of the EPCM Brisas gold / copper project.
- Las Cristinas Tailings Dam and Management Facility, Crystallex, Las Cristinas, Venezuela as Area Manager / Principal Designer, responsible for the feasibility study and detailed design of tailings management facility, water management and plant site foundations for a gold mine development, part of EPCM project.
- Rosia Montana Project, Gabriel Resources, Alba County, Romania as Area Manager / Principal Designer, responsible for the basic engineering of tailings management facility, water management dams and field investigation for gold mine development, involving design and permitting of a large, 180 m high tailings dam and several other dams and appurtenances.
- Diavik Diamonds Project, Diavik Mines, Northwest Territories, Canada as Lead Engineer on feasibility study and EPCM project. Participated in the design, construction and development of QA/QC, operation / management plans for on-land dredged lakebed sediment, country rock and till storage and processed kimberlite containment facilities in permafrost region as well as mine closure planning and cost estimation for security bonding purposes.
- Voisey’s Bay Nickel Project, Inco, Newfoundland, Canada as Project Reviewer / Advisor (tailings dams), conducted peer technical review of tailings dam design I implementation of seepage barriers for maintaining a self-sustaining water cover over potentially acid generating tailings / waste rock disposal basin.
- Due Diligence Study for Confidential Mining Client, Toronto, Ontario, Canada as Project Manager, responsible for a due diligence study on assessing potential environmental liabilities of another international mining operation.
- Kapuskasing Phosphate Project, Agrium, Ontario, Canada as Project Director (geotechnical aspects), responsible for detailed design and construction QA/QC of tailings, clarification pond and Cargill Lake (freshwater) dams built on very soft clay deposit. Involved in mine closure plan preparation.
- Tailings Disposal Operation, Molycorp Inc., Mountain Pass, California, USA as Project Reviewer, responsible for conceptual design of raising the main tailings dam, located in high seismicity area to elevation (El) 5,000 ft (phase 4).
- Taldy-Bulak Gold Project, Malaysia Mining, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan as Project Manager, responsible for geotechnical feasibility study involving site selection evaluation, environmental impact mitigation, evaluation of acid generation potential, tailings disposal facility design and closure plan.
- Yingezhuang Gold Mine Expansion, Asia Minerals, Shandong Province, China, Participated in environmental impact study / review of underground mine expansion from 500 t/d to 1,500 t/d production. The project involved site investigation, data collection and sampling, and an extensive review of the proposed waste disposal facilities.
- CAN MET MEND Project, Hull, Quebec, Canada as Project Manager / Engineer, responsible for an economic evaluation of various acid mine drainage (AMD) technologies under the Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) program.
- Three Gorge Hydro-Power Development Project, China, participated in several feasibility studies, providing input in geotechnical aspects; design of cofferdam, cut-off walls, earth / water retaining structures; updated knowledge in modern civil construction equipment; and use of finite element method.
Dr. Wang speaks fluently English and Chinese (mother tongue) with basic Spanish.
Full CV and references available upon request.